
Our EMPX app is designed by Pilots for marine professionals.

IMO Resolution A960 (23) clearly states that

Each competent pilotage authority should develop a standard exchange of information
practice, taking into account regulatory requirements and best practices in the pilotage area.
Pilots should consider using an information card, form, checklist or other memory aid to ensure
that essential exchange items are covered”

EMPX’s can be planned with only a few clicks and then fully completed onboard with the Master.

The Master is also required to make a decleration.

Upon completion, an email is generated to the ship and any shore based users. The EMPX is then held on secure servers inline with GDPR and allowing full auditabililty.

Admin users can easily and simply update variables that the pilot district has.

For example, changing depths or changing tugs is a simple one click process.

Documents such as local notices or chartlets can be added to the documents section to aid the MPX.

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Available on all devices
Available on all devices including mobile/cell phones, our app is easy to manage and easy to use.

We offer a free introduction meeting and trial period. Get in touch and improve safety in your operations.

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