
Designed by pilots who have a combined experience of 20 years piloting in one of the UK’s most challenging pilotage districts. We know that Pilots want simple and effective electronic tools to aid their operations and so we have combined our specialist “tech” knowledge and applied it to piloting.


Pilotage Tools has been created by pilots, for Marine Professionals. Current tools, within the same app include :


Passage Planning

PTX (Pilot/Tug exchange)


As Ports and Harbour digitilise their operations, we are at the forefront of making this easy for the pilotage district and their pilots.


IMO Resolution A.960(23) clearly states that :

Each pilotage assignment should begin with an information exchange between the pilot and the master.


Each competent pilotage authority should develop a standard exchange of information practice, taking into account regulatory requirements and best practices in the pilotage area. Pilots should consider using an information card, form, checklist or other memory aid to ensure that essential exchange items are covered.

It is therefore incumbent on a Port or Harbour to comply. Our easy to use tools and data storage ensure compliance and a high level of professionalism. Our unique selling point is our apps ability to be used offline while the pilot operates offshore.

Passage planning App – gone are the days when a pilots Passage Plan is “in his head”. Effective Pilot Resource Management dictates that the pilot should prepare and share his/her passage plan with the Bridge Team. The UKC PP app enables the Pilot to comprehensively passage plan and share with the bridge team ensuring a shared vision, compliance and increased chances of a successful act of pilotage.

PTX (Pilot/Tug exchange) App – The relationship between the tug and the ship, and the tug skipper and the pilot is one of mutual trust. Our app aims to standardize the exchange of information while also keeping a record of the events.


Based in the UK we aim to develop relationships with Ports and Harbours world wide. It is quite likely that our directors have visited your Port or Harbour during their extensive sea going careers